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Architektur: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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{{Zitatdefinition|Architektur|architecture|"(System) fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution (see ISO 42010)."|INCO15|261|GfSE-Glossar}}
{{Zitatdefinition|Architektur|architecture|"(System) fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution (see ISO 42010)."|INCO15|261|GfSE-Glossar}}
{{Zitatdefinition|Architektur|architecture|"Eine Architektur umfasst die grundlegenden Konzepte oder Eigenschaften eines Systems in seiner Umgebung, realisiert durch seine Elemente, Beziehungen und die Prinzipien seines Entwurfs und seiner Weiterentwicklung. (vgl. ISO [[42010]])"|GfSE17|GfSE-Glossar}}
{{Zitatdefinition|Architektur|architecture|"Eine Architektur umfasst die grundlegenden Konzepte oder Eigenschaften eines Systems in seiner Umgebung, realisiert durch seine Elemente, Beziehungen und die Prinzipien seines Entwurfs und seiner Weiterentwicklung. (vgl. ISO [[42010]])"|GfSE17|}}

Version vom 4. Februar 2021, 18:56 Uhr

Architektur (engl.: architecture)
"(System) fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution (see ISO 42010)." [1]
Architektur (engl.: architecture)
"Eine Architektur umfasst die grundlegenden Konzepte oder Eigenschaften eines Systems in seiner Umgebung, realisiert durch seine Elemente, Beziehungen und die Prinzipien seines Entwurfs und seiner Weiterentwicklung. (vgl. ISO 42010)" [2]

Weilkins et al setzen "Architektur" und "High-Level Design" zueinander gleich. Sie Beschrieben: "Integrating the system elements in accordance to the system’s design leads to the built system. This sequence imposes that the terms “architecture” and “design” are synonymous. Though, the distinction between the two terms is controversially debated. Consulting a number of glossaries does indeed support the opinion that these two terms are synonyms. The term “architecture” is frequently related to high-level design, typically involving multiple disciplines to realize the system elements. The term “design” seems to be used when only a single discipline is involved to realize a system. For the modeling of definitions hereafter we rate the two terms “architecture” and “design” as synonymous. ... The architecture starts to exist as soon as we start analyzing and validating stakeholder requirements and transforming them into system requirements.The architecture starts to exist as soon as we start analyzing and validating stakeholder requirements and transforming them into system requirements."[3]

Quellennachweise in diesem Text:

  1. INCO15: INCOSE: INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities. 4. Ausg. Wiley, 11 August 2015.
  2. GfSE17: D. D. Walden, G. J. Roedler, K. J. Forsberg, R. D. Hamelin, T. M. Shortell: Systems Engineering Handbuch: Ein Leitfaden für Systemlebenszyklus-Prozesse und -Aktivitäten. Titel des englischen Originals: INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities (4th ed.). 1. Ausg. GfSE Verlag, Juni 2017.
  3. WeLa15 + Tim Weilkiens, Jesko G. Lamm, Stephan Roth, Markus Walker: Model-Based System Architecture. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ; 2015, S. 21.