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Version vom 10. Januar 2021, 16:18 Uhr von Wiki-admin (Diskussion | Beiträge) (10 Versionen importiert)
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Domänenbestand (engl.: domain asset)
"Is the output of a subprocess of domain engineering that is reused for producing two or more products in a product line.A domain asset may be a variability model, an architectural design, a software component, a domain model,a requirements statement or specifiation, a plan, a test case, a process description, or any other element useful for producing products and services.

Note: In systems engineering, domain assets may be subsystems or components to be reused in further system designs. Domain assets are considered through their original requirements and technical characteristics. Domain assets include, but are not limited to, use cases, logical principles, environmental behavioral data, and risks or opportunities learned from the previous projects Domain assets are not physical products available off‐the‐shelf and ready for commissioning. Physical products (e.g., mechanical parts, electronic components, harnesses, optic lenses) are stored and managed according to the best practices of their respective disciplines Note: In software engineering, domain assets can include source or object code to be reused during the implementation Note: Domain assets have their own life cycles. ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 may be used to manage a life cycle.." [1]

Quellennachweise in diesem Text:

  1. INCO15: INCOSE: INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities. 4. Ausg. Wiley, 11 August 2015.